Teaching Tips

This section discusses several effective strategies that have been implemented while teaching these modules.

Teaching timeframes

This class is designed for students in grades 7-12 and has been conducted for 1 hour each week. If your school has the capacity, additional sessions can be arranged. Each student will require a computer to engage in hands-on learning through the curriculum, and a laptop is essential for the teacher's instruction. As an instructor, it's important to have the flexibility to circulate around the classroom to address any questions that may come up. Each textbook covers a duration of 2 quarters.

One way to cover the information

Typically, 10 pages of material are covered within a one-hour session. The content is first taught to the students, who then practice it on their laptops or computers to ensure full comprehension of the concepts. Any projects arising from these pages are assigned as homework for further exploration.

The projects

The projects enhance and solidify the concepts taught in class. They offer a practical, hands-on experience and are designed to build upon one another sequentially. Skills and techniques applied in one project may be revisited in subsequent ones, ensuring the knowledge remains fresh in the student's mind. Each project is concise and should require no more than 15-20 minutes to complete.