Teaching Tips

This section goes over a few ideas that have been used when teaching these modules.

Teaching timeframes

This class has been taught for 1 hour a week to 7th-12th graders. It can be taught more if your school has that ability. You will need to have a computer for each of the students that are going through the books so they can do some hands on learning as well as a laptop for the teacher to teach from. As a teacher, you will need the flexibility to walk around the room to answer any questions that may arise. One book lasts for 2 quarters.

One way to cover the information

The average number of pages covered is 10 in a one hour timeframe. The information covered is taught followed by having the students do it on their laptops/computers to make sure they understand the concepts. Any projects that occur during those pages are sent home for homework.

The projects

The projects reinforce what is learned in class. They are hands on and build one on another. What you do in one project may be repeated in the next one to keep it fresh in the student's mind. All projects are very short and should only take at most 15-20 minutes of time to complete.